Sidemount Diver - 1/1 Course
2 days
This course is designed to teach certified divers how to safely utilize sidemounted primary cylinders as an alternative to the traditional back-mounted configuration. The course is strictly non-decompression with a maximum depth limit of 40m/130ft. The tanks used are aluminum.
Upon completion of this course, graduates may engage in sidemount diving activities without direct supervision.
Cost: US$ 400.00 + 3% booking fee

Diver Propulsion Vehicle
1/1 Course - 1 day
Advanced Certification required
This Course is for the certified diver looking to maximize the amount of area they can cover during a dive by using a DPV Individuals that may have limited use of their legs for diving
Cost: US$ 350.00 + 3% booking fee
(price includes scooter rental)